Replacements and Double Glazing
We supply replacement sash windows, doors and other joinery products. All new joinery is made near Harrogate and is available in either hardwood or treated softwood. Replacement window sills and outer cheek mouldings are matched to the original profiles and all replacement joinery comes primed prior to fitting.
Double Glazing
An important part of this service is the ability to offer double glazing and draught proofing to your sash windows for better home insulation.
In the majority of cases where double glazing is requested, only the sashes need to be replaced and the existing window box in which the sashes slide up and down is used. However, occasionally the window box needs complete replacement as well.
If your windows need fully replacing the new window box is supplied with a hardwood window sill and 4 new brass, polished chrome, or satin chrome pulley wheels.
As double glazing cannot be fitted into the original top and bottom sashes because the glass rebate is too small, then new like for like sashes are made with the correct glass rebate size. Typically the internal window mouldings are either an Ovolo or lambs Tongue which are copied to match (in the event that we don't have the cutters to match the mouldings, a sample is taken and new cutters are made). Some windows have decorative horns which are also reproduced to match the originals.
We use toughened Planitherm or K Glass, argon filled double glazed units. The depth of the replacement window determines the thickness of glass used, typically 4-6-4, 4-8-4 or 4-10-4 (the first figure represents the internal width of glass, followed by the gas filled cavity width and finally the external width of glass).
How to get in touch.
You can contact us via any of the following methods.
Address: 75 Hutton Gate Harrogate HG2 9QG | |